Does BringShare integrate with Omniture Site Catalyst?

Trevor -

In terms of website data, BringShare integrates with Google . This forms the "backbone" of BringShare and we display this data alongside other important we pull from Twitter, Facebook, Moz , 3rd party ranking tools, and more.

Though BringShare does not integrate with Omniture Site Catalyst, we do know that clients using that service do also typically have Google set up on their sites as well. Typically, both systems are set up to work in parallel with one another and display similar website to report on. 

Since BringShare boils down all of your important marketing into simple, beautiful, concise reports that clearly show the impact your digital marketing efforts are making, Google data includes the majority of important data you would also pull from Omniture.

So, if your client has Google set up, we will be able to pull in website data from that tool, as well as pair it up with from your other sources (Twitter, Facebook, Moz , 3rd party ranking tools, etc) to streamline your reporting with BringShare.

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