Bing Ads Setup: How do I connect Bing Ads to my BringShare account?

Cassandra Gifford -

When integrating your account with Bing Ads, you can integrate with a single-client account or an MCC account. BringShare makes integrating with Bing Ads is an easy process. However, if you would like an additional understanding about the integration, view the step-by-step walk through below:


Step1) Navigate to your Settings

  1. Log in to your BringShare account
  2. Click "settings" in the upper right hand corner 
  3. Click "Paid Search" under Channels (screenshot below)
  4. Select “Bing Ads” (screenshot below)



Step 2) Authorize Bing Ads Integration

  1. Click "Connect Account" under Bing Ads (see screenshot above)
  2. You will be dropped into a page that looks like the screenshot below. Enter the username and password for the Bing Ads account that has access to the Bing Ads profile that you would like to integrate with BringShare
  3. Click “Submit” to integrate.


Step 3) Select the Bing Ads profile that you would like to track

  1. Using the dropdown, select the correct Bing Ads profile (screenshot below)
  2. Click "Choose Profile" (screenshot below)
  • Note: the profile dropdown is searchable, so it is advantageous to search and integrate by customer id to ensure a proper integration.




Now you're officially integrated with Bing Ads and ready to begin tracking in BringShare!



BringShare is internet marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on further strategies to grow business.



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