Custom Report Builder 1.2: Adding a Channel Dashboard

Cassandra Nino -

With the Custom Report Builder you can add a combination of the four dashboards (Master, SEO, Social and Paid Search) to your reports. Choose a main date range and comparison date range for the report. Select which date ranges and conversion types to include or exclude. 

Below is a walk-through of adding a channel dashboard to a custom report:


Adding a Dashboard Type

1) Click the drop down below "Select a Dashboard"

2) Within the "Dashboard Type" section, click on the dashboard that you would first like to include into the report (Master, SEO, Social or Paid Search)

3) Once the dashboard has been selected, if you wish to do so deselect the check boxes of the elements you wish to exclude from the report


Adding a Date Range

1) Use the Date Picker on the right to select the Report Date Range as the main date range for the report

2) To easily select a date range at anytime, you can click the "Last Week" and "Last Month" buttons to select the full previous date range

3) Use the Comparison Dates to add up to two additional comparison date ranges


Adding Conversion Types

The example of  the "Conversion Types" section below is for the Master Dashboard. To get examples of customizing the "Conversion Types" section for the SEO and Paid Search dashboard refer to the links at the bottom of this section. 

1) Select the Conversion Types that you would like to include in the report (These are goals brought over from Google )

2) Select "" or "AdWords" as the source for the Paid Search data on the Master Dashboard. 

  • The Master Dashboard defaults to AdWords as the conversion source
  • The source that is greyed out is the one currently selected

3) If you are using a call tracking provider and have uploaded data into BringShare, you can choose to include that data or deselect the boxes to remove the data from the report



  • Conversion Types - SEO Example


  • Conversion Types - Paid Search Example




BringShare is internet marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on further strategies to grow business.

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