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Suzy January 04, 2012 • BringShare Frequently Asked Questions / Tips & Tricks
If you have any particular questions about BringShare, or would like to see an entry that dives deeper into an area of Internet marketing, let us know! We're always happy to hear suggestions and would love to cater info directly to your questions. All we want is to provide value to you, so let us know how!
Suzy September 26, 2011 • BringShare Frequently Asked Questions / General Questions
We have created a full White Label version of BringShare that can be completely branded for your agency. Functionality includes a variety of features, including a master login to easily manage clients, client-specific logins, complete support for setup and the entire time you're a BringShare member, 1-click digital marketing reports -and much more.
You can learn more here, but contact us with any questions you have -we'd love to hear from you and we would love to help you determine how BringShare for Agencies can solve all of your analysis and reporting nightmares.
BringShare is Internet marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your client's marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on strategic thinking.
Suzy May 17, 2012 • BringShare Frequently Asked Questions / Setting Up BringShare Accounts
The first step is trying the process in a different browser. We recommend FireFox, Safari or Chrome. Internet Explorer has been known to cause technological problems across a variety of web applications on the internet.
The next step is to clear your cache. A cache is a "saved" version of a website that your browser stores to load things quickly. Usually this works out great, but sometimes it can confuse systems. Clearing your cache can typically solve a lot of problems. This is a nifty source that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to clear your cache by browser type.
BringShare is digital marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on further strategies to grow your business.
Suzy February 06, 2012 • BringShare Frequently Asked Questions / The Social Media Dashboard
Due to the nature of the Facebook API, we can only pull data into your account that is 4 or more days old from Facebook. That means that the data you will be able to view in BringShare for Facebook under "Social Media Analysis" will, unfortunately, always be 4 days behind.
BringShare is internet marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on further strategies to grow business.
Suzy January 03, 2012 • BringShare Frequently Asked Questions / The SEO Dashboard
Yandex, Baidu, Terra, Mamma and Seznam are all search engines. Depending on what article you read and when, Google performs roughly 65% of internet searches, with Bing and Yahoo each performing around 15% each. That leaves 5% of the worlds search being performed by smaller search engines.
Some of these engines are more language friendly (Baidu is in Chinese, Terra in Spanish and Seznam in Czech), while others serve smaller, more niche markets. 5% may not seem like much, but sometimes these smaller search engines can provide some surprising insights. If you find you're receiving a decent amount of traffic from these sites, it may be time to dig a bit deeper.
BringShare is internet marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on further strategies to grow your business.