July 17, 2013

NEW: Build Your Own CUSTOM Reports and Interactive Dashboards with the BringShare Report Builder

After months of talking with BringShare members, we have learned why reporting is a pain and how we can create the ideal solution.  The new BringShare Custom Report Builder is that solution and has three very important capabilities:

  1. Allow for an awesome amount of customization when creating reports
  2. Provide an easy way to add comments throughout the reports
  3. Include the ability to add ANY DATA to the reports. In other words, the reports aren’t limited to only the data BringShare automatically provides

Key Features of the Custom Report Builder

Create a new report or start with a previously designed report. If you report on the same data weekly  or monthly, duplicating a report and updating the date range streamlines the ongoing reporting process.








Pick and choose which data you’d like to auto-add from the BringShare reporting dashboards.











Add notes or comments anywhere within the report at any time.

The Custom Report Builder actually uses real data and displays it for you immediately. This makes adding comments to the report simple. While building the report, you can see all the data and explain anything necessary.











Need to add some data BringShare doesn’t provide automatically? DONE. Check out these two great features for adding your own data.

Image Upload

Just upload a screenshot and BringShare auto-formats it to look beautiful within in the report. In the example below, a screenshot from a Facebook Ads account was added into the report builder. Notice how it seamlessly integrates into the report.























Paste from Excel

Have data in excel that you want to add to your custom report? Simply copy and paste from excel.












Once you’ve created a report and are ready to share it, you have three options:

  1. Publish to a URL - This makes your report accessible via a URL for 30 days
  2. Generate a PDF - With the push of a button, the report is converted to a PDF
  3. Print - Click the print button and we’ll auto-format your report for easy printing






Check out our Video Library of all the BringShare Reporting Features here

Sign up for a single user trial 

Agencies: Start a RISK-FREE agency white label trial



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