BringShare's Features

The Social Media Dashboard

How quickly can you calculate the number of visitors you received last week from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and all the other social networks combined? Do you know if they are engaging, liking, following or buying you products? BringShare’s Social Media Dashboard puts that valuable data in your hands in seconds.

The Social Media Dashboard provides:

  • Analysis and comparison regarding the social media channels.
  • Insight into which activities impact key metrics such as conversion rate, likes, followers and sales.
  • Data-driven rationale on where to invest time and energy along the social media spectrum to maximize your ROI.

A look inside BringShare's Social Media Marketing Dashboard

What does it do?

Our Social Media Dashboard brings together all of your different social media marketing into a beautiful, easy to use dashboard

Easily prints or generates a PDF of all Social Media Dashboard for quick and easy Social Media Reporting

How does it work?

BringShare integrates with Facebook, Twitter and Google in order to pull in all of your social media marketing to one place

BringShare pulls in everything from Facebook likes and Twitter followers to websites visits and sales driven by Pinterest, Google+, Youtube and more

Our Social Media Marketing Dashboard includes data from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, MySpace and LinkedIn

New vs Lifetime

What can I do with it?

Understand how your social media marketing is performing as a whole through the “Total Performance Summary”

BringShare easily allows you to see -in one aggregated view, how Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn and MySpace are driving sales revenue, conversions and transactions.

Up until now, you have had to manually manipulate a sea of data to get the kind of total social media perspective that BringShare provides with just the click of a button

Compare how individual social media channels trend over time in terms of visits, sales revenue, conversions, visit value and conversion rate

Compare each social media channel against one another

This section allows you to easily pick out social media channel trends, enabling you to quickly and easily see which channels have the highest sales and revenue, and compare to each individual social media channel’s visit value and conversion rate.

View how Facebook trends vs Twitter, how Pinterest affects your digital marketing compared to YouTube, LinkedIn or Google+ and much more.


View current lifetime statistics for Twitter and Facebook

Total Twitter followers

Total current Facebook likes

The number of people following you on Twitter

The amount of places you are listed on Twitter

Understand how Facebook is driving value to your website

Pinpoint days where you are gaining or losing the most Facebook likes to understand how to continue to drive growth

View how “Unique Engaged Users”, Facebook Impressions, visits to your website driven by Facebook and Sales driven by Facebook compare across time in our beautiful trending graphs

View how “New Likes”, “Lifetime Likes” and “People Talking about This (or PTAT)” trend over time

Know your Twitter statistics and how they trend over time

View new Twitter followers vs Lifetime Twitter followers and be able to quickly identify days or periods of time where you’re losing more Twitter followers than you are gaining

View visits and conversions or sales on your website that are driven by users who landed on your website from Twitter.

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